Sheep Crate


An Easy as ABC puzzle with a (hopefully) tight, easy path.

Easy as ABC 2   Range: ABCD

Easy as it should

This is an Easy as ABC puzzle.

Fill some cells with letters from the given alphabet range. Every letter of the range appears exactly once in every row and column. Clues outside the grid indicate the closest letter of that row or column.

This puzzle has just one involved deduction, so let's rate it easy.

Easy as ABC 1 Range:ABCD

Loop Special

Rules   Draw some loops, each visiting all instances of exactly one clue. Between them, the loops visit all cells of the grid. Some cells have already been fully drawn for you. Loops may cross over themselves and each other, but only when the cell contains neither turns nor a clue and the overlap has no length. Loops are only made out of horizontal and vertical line segments which go through the centres of every containing cell.

Loop Special

Rattling Diamond

An easy, pretty puzzle in The Witness dialect.

Click to solve online