Sudoku Limit # 13
Here is the Sudoku Limit: you have to enter numbers from 1 to 9 in each row
and column. Each row and column has three bounds cells ( cells with numbers
Wordy Wednesday 638: Mini Touchword 3
SECTION SIX 63 (answer)
Here is the answer to this puzzle. If you still wish to solve it yourself,
please go here for the normal versi...
Puzzle No. 522: Birthday Puzzle (Sudoku)!
Oh oops, I’m back on here. I posted last year’s birthday puzzle over on LMI
Expo, but that meant I couldn’t share it out to non-puzzle friends to try.
So t...
2024 ASC Recap – Part 2
This is part 2 of 2 posts about my experience at the 2024 Asian Sudoku
Championship which happened on 27-29th January 2024 in Shizuoka, Japan.
This second ...
migrating blog platforms is my hobby
I alluded to the WordPress drama in the post that most recently revived
this blog. It does not appear to have stopped, and today I saw this
Onion-esque hea...
31. World Puzzle Championship in Peking
Am 19.10.2024 endete die 3-tägige World Puzzle Championship (WPC) in
Peking. Aus deutscher Sicht gab es mit Christian König auf Platz 3 in der
#993: Puzzler Pride 2024
Happy Pride 2024! Today Jamie Hargrove and I are pleased to present another
showcase of puzzles from LGBTQ+ authors from the puzzle community. This
year we...
Z pionkiem
W majowym „Świecie nauki” jest drobny, ale niefortunny i dość istotny błąd,
na który zwrócił uwagę w komentarzach jeden z czytelników. Chodzi
oczywiście o ...
Don’t call it a comeback, I been here for years
Damn you, Larry Hosken, and I bet there aren’t many people who say that to
him. Just look at that comment on the last post: Yeah, ya got me.
Presenting Cha...
Regional Yajilin (06-01-2023)
This puzzle might be 2… also driving is fun (surprisingly) Regional
Puzzle #236: Nonconsecutive Cipher Fillomino
This is a Nonconsecutive Cipher Fillomino. The rules for Fillomino can be
found here: Rules page In addition to the usual rules for Fillomino,
adjacent reg...
Puzzle 362 Penalty Heyawake
It's been a good long while dearest reader, but here's something I came up
with on a bit of a whim. Come to think of it, lots of things about this
post ar...
Puzzle No 173: Yajilin
While doing the Yajilin Yacht Contest on Logic Masters India, I got this
idea. Yajilin Yacht is a ongoing Daily Puzzle Series contest by IHNN
(Jeffrey Ba...
Puzzle 203: Slitherlink [just one segment]
It’s always fun to figure out some new arguments in a puzzle type. While
going through @taburega’s tough puzzles, I ran into one occurrence of a
pattern I ...
13 May, 2020
We have uploaded a mirror archive of the now defunct CiSRA Puzzle
Competition website. This was a puzzle comp that we organised from 2007 to
2013. The orig...
P.I.HUNT 6 in a month!
Hey there, Is it Valentine’s Day already? We’re getting EXTRA CLOSE TO NEW
PI. There’s only a month until the 6th P.I. Hunt! Solve the anagram to
learn wha...
Puzzle #14
This is a Double Choco puzzle. I can't be bothered to write rules pages
for every single genre that I come across any more, so the rules are below.
Puzzle 45: Masyu
An explanation of the rules for Masyu puzzles is here. I’m starting to
remember what makes for an aesthetic distribution of circles.
Happy 2020 Puzzle
Here’s a new Sudoku for the year 2020. Instead of filling in cells with
the numbers 1 through 9, we use the characters in “HAPPY2020”. This means
we have...
Sudokumaniacs YouTube Channel
Hello friends,
We wish to announce that we have started our own YouTube channel. We will
be explaining the basic and advanced solving techniques in the in...
Puzzle #25 – Doppelblock (USPC ’19)
Theme: Today’s Puzzle Standard Doppelblock rules. Hi all, I’m just writing
to share the news that one of my puzzles was featured on this year’s US
Puzzle C...
World Puzzle Championship Puzzles - Round 12
The last set of puzzles are from round 12. This was the innovative round.
There were a few types in there that were interesting to write. My
favourite two ...
Balgam, Ankara’da bir semt?
*Aris ve Efe için Kendi hâlinde biriyim, öyle herhangi bir şeyde muhteşem
değilim… Hani tasvir ederler ya, sıradan, ortalama biri, işte öyleyim.
Düzenli bi...
Calendar Lineup – June 2018
[image: Beach and pier.]
The upcoming puzzle events, puzzle hunts, puzzle tournaments, and featured
new releases for the puzzle community from June 2018.
My first Nikoli puzzle book was Pencil Puzzle Yajilin 1, back in 2006 when
the Pencil Puzzle series was available. Yajilin has always been a special
Too Lazy with a Blog
Apparently I’m too lazy to keep up with the blog format. I do write some
puzzles occasionally, but I mostly share them with the Discord server I’m
in, Puzz...
Puzzle 26: Falling Letters
Rules (from the WPC 2017 instruction booklet): “Place letters into some
cells in the grid. Same letters cannot share a side, and blank cells cannot
share a...
Not something that's not about hats
Not gonna talk about that! Instead, let's go into unnecessary detail to
solve a hat puzzle.
Back in March, I saw a video featuring two puzzles about prison...
Killer sudoku N°14
Voici le 500ème puzzle publié sur ce blog !
Ce sudoku est également le dernier qui sera publié ici. J'espère que vous,
chers lecteurs, avez apprécié et ...
(29.–36.) Star Battle
Hello again! It’s been brought to my attention that it is yet again time to
post something on this blog. To apologise for keeping quiet, here’s a slew
of S...
10 September, 2015
CiSRA has decided not to run the CiSRA Puzzle Competition any more. We
thank you for your participation over the years, and hope that you had as
much fun a...
USPC 2015 is over
I haven’t found much discussion online; maybe it’s on sites like Facebook
where I’m not present, so let’s dump some thoughts here. Tentatively, I
Sudoku Grand Prix 2015: UK Round!
The eighth and final round of the Sudoku Grand Prix is coming this weekend,
from July 17-20. Those interested in competing for the World Sudoku
Puzzle 68: The One Ring
See Puzzle 3 for *most* of the instructions. I've added two additional
elements here (and I lack the time to properly update the full rules to
include the...
Holiday Discount Puzzle 2014
Fifth Annual Holiday Discount Puzzle Solve this puzzle for 10% off any
order! December is here once again, and that can mean only one thing: it's
time agai...
An End... and a Beginning
I will keep this blog open as an archive. I thank all readers and friends
for making this blog a success (according to me!). After a long break, I'll
be b...
Happy new year!!I look forward to your continued good will in the coming
year!!I had no time to make this puzzle. However,I think that this
shakashaka puzz...
WPC Playoops
So a tremendous WPC has ended. I simply wish my performance in the end
lived up to my own expectations in the way that the quality of the puzzles
and organ...
Puzzle 16: BACA
Been a while. This one's pretty easy, but I was inspired by a puzzle on GM
Puzzles yesterday.
Rules (as swiped from GM Puzzles): Either shade or add a sin...
Fillomino Cipher
This is a Cipher Fillomino Puzzle. Rules are
(Hopefully, as indicated in the puzzle...
Les îles elles-mêmes finissent par sombrer
C'est officiel ; il m'est définitivement plus plaisant de repartir de zéro
que de corriger encore et toujours un travail n'ayant pas l'heur de me
Fill in the grid with the numbers 1 to 4. In each row and each column is
each number exactly once. There are also in each row and column two
blackened ce...
Nurimino (Nurikabe Fillomino)
Here's another hybrid puzzle. In a sense, each solution is both a valid
Nurikabe and a valid Fillomino solution.
All given numbers clues in ...
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